Breast augmentation

How do I know which breast implant size is right for me?

During the consultation, Dr. Favre attaches great importance to understanding exactly what you want. By precisely measuring the anatomy of your breasts and taking your wishes into account, the width of an implant is first defined. For each determined width, there are different projections. The projection determines the distance to which your breasts will then be advanced. The patient then tests different “volumes” in a suitable bra to project the final breast volume after augmentation. A perfectly normal effect 3 months after breast augmentation is to feel that you should have chosen a larger size. This is because you quickly get used to your new size after the operation, and your breasts subjectively appear less voluminous. On rare occasions, clients who have had their breasts augmented still find that they are too small and wish to have them augmented again. In such cases, we try to find a solution tailored to your needs.

How can I find the right breast implant for me?

In principle, there are three implant shapes: The anatomical shape, also known as the teardrop shape, the round shape and an ergonomix intermediate shape between the round and anatomical shapes. Round implants create more volume in the upper pole, while drop-shaped implants create a more natural transition. The final shape of your breasts after breast augmentation also depends very much on your anatomy.

What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of anatomical, round and ergonomic breast implants?

Anatomical teardrop-shaped implants have the advantage of offering a more natural transition, mainly for the upper pole, and give a very natural appearance. They have the disadvantage of a higher risk of shell formation, as they have a rough surface texture. There is also a risk of rotation, which may occur mainly in the first few weeks. Ergonomix implants (intermediate shape between round and anatomical) give a more rounded appearance on the upper and lower parts of the breast. There is no risk of rotation, and the risk of shell is extremely low with this type of implant.

What is a capsular shell or fibrosis

The breast implant is a foreign body to our own body. The body therefore forms a kind of capsule around the inserted implant. This is a natural process, and every woman with an implant has a capsule around it. Sometimes the capsule hardens and contracts, forming a shell. This phenomenon poses no danger to the patient’s body or health. However, it can sometimes lead to visual changes and pain. In principle, capsular fibrosis can occur at any time. In this case, the implant must be replaced. The risk of capsular fibrosis is much lower with smooth implants such as Motiva.

Should breast augmentation implants be placed above or below the muscle?

For small breasts, we generally recommend placing the implants partially under the muscle, using the dual plane technique. In this way, the implants are held in place by the muscle and the transition to the upper pole is more natural. For medium to large breasts, before surgery, we recommend placing the implant under the gland.

Should breast implants be replaced after a few years?

If the patient has no symptoms, regular check-ups are sufficient. It is no longer necessary to change implants every 10 to 15 years, as with older-generation implants.

Which breast implants are used at Clinique Bellefontaine?

As a rule, we use Motiva or Sebbin silicone implants. On request, we can also use implants from other brands.

Is there a link between breast augmentation and breast cancer?

Numerous large-scale studies prove that breast cancer is not more frequent after breast augmentation with silicone implants. Similarly, no link has been established between autoimmune diseases and silicone implants.

When can I sleep on my side or stomach after breast augmentation?

We recommend sleeping on your back for the first 4 weeks after breast augmentation. From the fourth week onwards, it is again permissible to sleep on the side. We advise against lying on your stomach, especially during the first two months after surgery.

What does the price of a breast augmentation include?

We attach great importance to a transparent pricing policy. Everything is included in the price, from the consultation to the operation, including post-operative consultations, post-operative medication and the appropriate bra. Ultrasound and/or mammography examinations prior to the operation are generally paid for by the health insurance company.

Where is the scar located after breast augmentation: areola or submammary fold?

We recommend placing the incision in the submammary fold. For one thing, you won’t be able to see the scar when you look at yourself face-on in the mirror. On the other hand, this reduces the risk of infection and capsular fibrosis. On the other hand, the incision in the areola can reduce nipple sensitivity, and also diminish the possibility of breast-feeding. Incisions in the armpit are not recommended, as the risks are generally higher. In all cases, we ensure that the incision is as unobtrusive as possible.

How big is the scar after breast augmentation?

With the Funnel Keller technique, we make incisions of 3 to 3.5 cm in the submammary fold – even for large implants. Thanks to the minimal size of the scar and its exact positioning in the submammary fold, the scar remains barely visible.

How long should I wait after pregnancy before undergoing breast augmentation?

We generally wait 6 months after delivery to allow the breasts to recover from the physical change. It is also important to wait until breastfeeding is over before proceeding with breast augmentation.

How safe are breast implants?

Breast implants have evolved and improved over time. Because of their high quality and safety, the latest generation of breast implants should only be replaced in the event of complications. In the case of textured implants, it has been discovered that a rare tumor called ALCL can occur. With smooth implants, there have been no described cases of ALCL.

What is ALCL?

ALCL is a rare form of lymphoma that manifests itself as swelling and fluid accumulation around the implant. Several studies have established a link between this disease and textured implant surfaces. In the whole of Switzerland, fewer than 10 women with implants have had this disease. All had textured implants.

Why is a drain not necessary after breast augmentation?

At Clinique Bellefontaine, we do not use a drain. On the one hand, we want to avoid unnecessary extra pain, and on the other, we want to avoid the extra scarring involved in placing a drain.

How long do I have to wear a special bra after breast augmentation?

After surgery, you must wear a support bra day and night for eight weeks for anatomical implants and 12 weeks for Motiva implants. You can take it off to shower. We provide you with a support bra after the operation. It is important to check their position regularly. The lower band must be positioned exactly at the level of the submammary fold.

When can I resume sport after breast augmentation?

After breast augmentation, it is advisable to give up sport for two months.

When can I fly with breast implants?

In general, we recommend that you fly again two weeks after your breast implants. Nor should you carry your own luggage for the first four weeks

Can I dive with breast implants?

Diving is no problem with breast implants. However, it is advisable to wait three months after the operation before diving. Only diving in very deep water can be difficult with breast implants, due to the pressure conditions.

Can I be screened for breast cancer even if I have breast implants?

It’s rare not to be able to breastfeed when an incision is made in the submammary fold for breast augmentation. This incision does not damage the mammary glands.

Can I still breastfeed after breast augmentation?

It’s rare not to be able to breastfeed when an incision is made in the submammary fold for breast augmentation. This incision does not damage the mammary glands.

What can I do to avoid infections?

Infection is the risk we absolutely want to avoid at Clinique Bellefontaine. To this end, we take several measures to reduce the risks during the operation. The nipples are covered with a Tegaderm dressing to prevent bacteria passing from the inside of the mammary gland to the outside. We also wear two pairs of gloves, which are changed again before the implant is inserted. We rinse the formed implant pocket with a special solution of disinfectant and various antibiotics. We use Funnel Keller’s “no touch” technique. Thanks to the Funnel Keller, the implant is never touched during the procedure. We also give antibiotics during and one week after the operation. Modern surgical techniques and numerous preventive measures ensure that the risk of infection at Clinique Bellefontaine is less than 1%.

Does cigarette smoking influence the operation?

Female smokers have a much higher risk of infection than non-smokers. If you abstain completely from smoking three weeks before surgery and up to three weeks afterwards, your risk of infection is as low as that of a non-smoker.

When can I go back to work after breast surgery?

For office work, it is possible to return to work after 4 to 5 days. However, it is easier to return to work one week after breast surgery, due to the pain following the operation. Activities requiring intensive use of the arms (e.g. hairdressing, massage, grooming) should be carried out 3 weeks after the operation.