FAQ Laser tattoo removal

What should I look out for before getting a tattoo removed?

Before laser tattoo treatment, it’s important that you’re not too tanned, and that the tattoo is not too recent.

Is there a difference between a new tattoo and an old one?

The difference between newer and older tattoos is that older tattoos are in part already more faded, and the color pigments have also already risen to the surface a little more. The color of a recent tattoo is much more intense, which is why the reaction to laser treatment is generally stronger in this case. An old, discolored tattoo also requires fewer laser sessions.

What colors can be removed during a tattoo removal procedure?

In general, all colors can be removed with tattoo removal, but it’s important to note that darker colors generally remove better than lighter shades. White, yellow and pink colors present the greatest challenge in treatment, due to the absence of color pigments.

Which laser is used for tattoo removal?

At Clinique Bellefontaine, we use the innovative PicoPlus laser for tattoo removal. Thanks to its unique PressureWaveTM technology, this laser delivers excellent results for the removal of troublesome tattoos. This FDA-approved laser technology can only be used by doctors or under medical supervision.

How many sessions does it take to get rid of a tattoo?

The number of sessions required for tattoo removal depends on the size, age and colors of the tattoo to be removed. We need fewer sessions with our innovative PicoPlus laser than with traditional laser systems.

When is the result of tattoo removal visible?

The first changes to the skin are already visible immediately after the first treatment. There may be slight swelling and reddening of the skin, which is a completely normal reaction. From session to session, the tattoo fades more and more, until it disappears completely after the last session.

What is a picosecond laser?

The difference with conventional laser systems is that the picosecond laser works much faster, and doesn’t burst the color pigments in the conventional way, but pulverizes them. This means that the treatment is considerably gentler on the tissue, and the swelling that ensues is also considerably less. As a rule, tattoos also disappear more quickly and can be almost completely removed. FDA-approved laser technology may only be used by doctors or under medical supervision.

Can permanent make-up be removed?

An interesting option for picosecond lasers is the removal of permanent make-up. However, it must be decided on a case-by-case basis whether the treatment is suitable. If you’re not quite sure, you should do a test before starting laser treatment.

Are there any risks or side effects?

After tattoo removal, the treated skin may initially swell or blister, but this risk is significantly reduced with the picosecond laser. Combining different procedures also helps to prevent scarring and depigmentation.

Can I get a new tattoo over a removed one?

If a tattoo has been removed, there’s usually no problem getting a new tattoo in that spot. We often only remove around 50% of a tattoo in our clinic, because customers then want a cover-up, so the old tattoo doesn’t have to be completely removed.

What to look out for after tattoo removal?

Once the tattoo has been removed, it’s important to apply a cream. During the first week, it’s also important not to touch the treated area too often, to avoid contact with shower gel and not to expose yourself to direct sunlight.